
Phrases in Spanish to survive a conversation You may be familiar with the common Spanish phrases “Hola,” “¿Cómo estás?” and “¿Cómo te llamas?” but here are a few more common phrases that you may not have been taught in your Spanish 101 class in high school. These are phrases you’ll actually hear in conversation in
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The Spanish language is spoken by an estimated 437 million native speakers worldwide. And like any language, Spanish varies depending upon the geographic location and socio-cultural influences. So how many types of Spanish are there? Read on to find out ways to identify language variations in Costa Rica. Continental variations: Spain and Latin America
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If you’re planning to take a trip in a Spanish-speaking country and don’t know Spanish yet, it’s time to equip yourself with the basics — including courteous amenities. In Costa Rica, for example, the people are very open and patient with tourists, yet they still place value on being respectful and pleasant to everyone. Whether
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If you’re a senior or any other adult above traditional college age, you may have entertained thoughts of regret about not learning a popular language like Spanish. Well, although the need for Spanish in the US has been on the rise for decades, nothing compares to today’s demand, use, and opportunities for Spanish speakers of
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Studying Spanish in Costa Rica is a great idea. You get the chance to learn a new language and see a new country. Costa Rica is full of natural beauty and host to some of the greatest biodiversity in the world. Check out these five things to do while you study Spanish in Costa Rica.
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Participating in a study abroad program can offer you the experience of a lifetime. You’ll learn a new language while you immerse yourself in an exciting new culture — and you’ll have countless opportunities to make new friends inside and outside the classroom. However, there are always risks involved whenever you spend time in another
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Why students prefer us What better way to learn Spanish than to completely immerse yourself in the language, culture, and beauty of Costa Rica! According to the World Economic Forum, more than 437 million people globally speak Spanish. Students learn more quickly and retain the language better when they are able to use it in
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Do you hear silver bells ringing? Angels singing? Cash registers cha-ching-ing? Do you have someone in your life with a passion for other languages, a bad case of wanderlust, an interest in Spanish, or all three? How about you? Do you dream of getting away from the gloom of soggy boots and snowstorms? We know a place with tropical air and sunny beaches year round.
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You've been dedicating yourself to your students all year. And as a Spanish teacher, you know that keeping up with your expertise in Spanish and Spanish-speaking cultures is a lifelong project -- and a lifelong joy.
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The relationship between studying abroad and language proficiency is well documented in the foreign language literature (Brecht, Davidson, & Ginsberg, 1995; Collentine, 2004; Freed, 1995; Jochum, 2014; Schmidt-Rinehart & Knight, 2004; Segalowitz & Freed, 2004; Swender, 2003).
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